Feature: Pakistanis uphold spirit of sharing blessings, joy during holy month of Ramadan-Xinhua

Feature: Pakistanis uphold spirit of sharing blessings, joy during holy month of Ramadan

Source: Xinhua| 2023-03-31 19:00:00|Editor: huaxia

by Raheela Nazir

ISLAMABAD, March 31 (Xinhua) -- As the sun begins to disappear slowly with the aroma of traditional Pakistani delicacies wafting through the air in the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, 36-year-old Muhammad Qaiser is preparing food packets for needy people.

A philanthropist in Islamabad, Qaiser said he wants to keep up the spirit of "sharing blessings, joy and happiness with other people, especially the needy ones."

"We are preparing food packets which comprise meat-rice, fruits, dates and drinks to be served to the people who are fasting and do not have enough money to buy good food during Ramadan," he said.

Qaiser said that he is giving away more than 2,000 food packets every day and would continue to do so until the end of Ramadan, adding that helping fasting Muslims gives him immense pleasure and satisfaction.

During Ramadan in Pakistan, thousands of food stalls are established by philanthropists, charity organizations and volunteers in various markets across the country, providing free meals and drinks.

Muhammad Shakoor, a daily wager who came from northwest Mardan district to Islamabad to earn better for his family of six members, said he is at least not worried about food during Ramadan.

"I work as a laborer here and I earn around 1,500 to 2,000 rupees (around 7 U.S. dollars) a day. If I had to spend on my food as well I could not have saved enough for my family ... As the Eid festival is also approaching which means I need to spend more money to buy new clothes, shoes and good food for my children ... every penny counts for me," Shakoor told Xinhua.

Shehroz Khan, who runs a charity organization in Islamabad and adjoining Rawalpindi city, said that his organization has been distributing rations among deserving people.

"The food rations included rice, oil, sugar, wheat flour, lentils, spices and other basic needs. We have distributed 100,000 packs so far and are planning to distribute more in the coming days," he said.

Amid the skyrocketing inflation, Khan said many low-income people in Pakistan are finding it hard to make ends meet, adding that it is the responsibility of every affluent person to come forward and help those in need during these tough times.

"This year, more needy families are approaching us for help so we have to double the ration packs than last year. Rising inflation has depleted the poor of their buying power ... we have to support them to keep their hopes alive. I would say Ramadan is the best time to donate generously," he said.

"A simple act of kindness and sharing brings a great deal of satisfaction and contentment," Khan added.