Turkish police detain 67 people after attacks on Syrian refugees' homes, businesses-Xinhua

Turkish police detain 67 people after attacks on Syrian refugees' homes, businesses

Source: Xinhua

Editor: huaxia

2024-07-02 00:22:45

ANKARA, July 1 (Xinhua) -- A total of 67 suspects were detained after rioters set fire on Sunday to houses and businesses belonging to Syrians, and vandalized their vehicles in the central city of Kayseri, Turkish Interior Minister Ali Yerlikaya said Monday.

After allegations surfaced on Sunday that a Syrian national molested a child, a group "gathered in the area, acted illegally with an attitude unworthy of our human values and damaged houses, workplaces and vehicles belonging to Syrian nationals," he said on social media platform X.

The Syrian man, identified only by his initials as I.A., was suspected of harassing a Syrian girl, who was his relative, the minister said, adding that he was caught by Turkish citizens and delivered to the police.

The Family and Social Services Ministry said the allegedly molested Syrian child is under state protection.

Police used tear gas and water cannons to disperse the crowds of men who targeted Syrian businesses and properties.

At least 10 police officers were injured in the protests, the semi-official Anadolu News Agency reported.

On Monday, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan urged the public to avoid xenophobia.

"One cannot get anywhere with xenophobia in society," Erdogan said when addressing the members of his ruling Justice and Development Party at the parliament.

"Regardless of who they are, setting fire to people's houses and cars, committing vandalism, and setting fires in the streets is unacceptable," he said.